

Tämänhetkiset häiriöt

Ticket number: INC2361594
Location: Västervik
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Currently unknown

Occurred: 2025-02-12 07:36 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: To be announced

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2025-02-12 22:06 CET/CEST

Last update(s):
2025-02-12 21:06 – A hardware fault detected. Replacement unit has been ordered. // Hårdvarufel lokaliserat. Ersättningsutrustning beställd.
2025-02-12 14:42 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Korjatut häiriöt

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2361854
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Vagnhärad

Occured: 2025-02-12 14:10 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-12 17:43 CET/CEST

2025-02-12 17:43 – All services are restored.
2025-02-12 15:30 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. More information on https://www.vattenfalleldistribution.se/kund-i-elnatet/stromavbrott/ // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet. Mer information finns på https://www.vattenfalleldistribution.se/kund-i-elnatet/stromavbrott/
2025-02-12 15:27 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2361690
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Trollhättan

Occured: 2025-02-12 09:48 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-12 14:33 CET/CEST

2025-02-12 14:33 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the hardware replacement. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter hårdvarubyte.
2025-02-12 12:42 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2361675
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Malmköping

Occured: 2025-02-12 09:02 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-12 15:05 CET/CEST

2025-02-12 15:05 – All services are restored.
2025-02-12 14:42 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2361560
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Sundsvall

Occured: 2025-02-11 23:10 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-12 02:12 CET/CEST

2025-02-12 02:20 – RFO:
What was the fault?
– Unannounced power outage
What caused the fault?
– Property owner.
How was the fault fixed?
– Power outage restored
Is this a permanent solution?
– Yes
2025-02-12 02:19 – Sub providers technician calls in to say that the work is completed and no more outages is to be expected. // Fastighets teknikern ringer in och meddelar att jobbet är klart och att det inte kommer ske några fler avbrott nu.
2025-02-12 00:30 – Site owner have a planned power work on site that was not announced to us, power restored for now but there will be 2 more interruptions of 30 mins. // Fastighetsägare har ett planerat strömjobb som dom inte annonserat till oss. Just nu är strömmen tillbaka med det kommer ske 2 till avbrott på ca 30 minuter innan dom är klara.
2025-02-11 23:44 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2025-02-11 23:35 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2361520
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Örebro

Occured: 2025-02-11 18:55 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-11 21:48 CET/CEST

2025-02-11 19:29 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2361377
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Lärbo

Occured: 2025-02-11 11:20 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-11 16:28 CET/CEST

2025-02-11 19:32 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2025-02-11 13:34 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2361323
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Mora

Occured: 2025-02-11 10:48 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-11 14:04 CET/CEST

2025-02-11 13:18 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2025-02-11 12:55 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2361296
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Orsa

Occured: 2025-02-11 10:46 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-11 14:13 CET/CEST

2025-02-11 14:26 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-02-11 12:19 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2361105
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Borås

Occured: 2025-02-11 05:38 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-11 06:47 CET/CEST

2025-02-11 06:34 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2361037
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Skövde

Occured: 2025-02-10 16:18 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-11 07:27 CET/CEST

2025-02-11 08:27 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2025-02-10 19:37 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2025-02-10 18:28 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2360903
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Västerås/Sala

Occured: 2025-02-10 14:18 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-11 09:23 CET/CEST

2025-02-11 09:24 – All services are restored.
2025-02-11 09:09 – Troubleshooting in progress
2025-02-10 20:25 – Due to issue with access to site troubleshooting will be postponed until tomorrow. // På grund av problem med åtkomst till site så kommer felsökningen att skjutas upp till imorgon.
2025-02-10 17:30 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. ETA 4 hours // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats. Beräknad ankomsttid: 4 timmar
2025-02-10 15:08 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2360460
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Trelleborg

Occured: 2025-02-07 17:24 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-10 11:28 CET/CEST

2025-02-10 14:22 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-02-10 10:54 – A hardware fault detected.
2025-02-10 08:51 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2360735
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Krokom

Occured: 2025-02-10 09:02 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-10 11:42 CET/CEST

2025-02-10 13:42 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2025-02-10 10:23 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2360721
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Uppsala

Occured: 2025-02-10 09:02 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-10 10:15 CET/CEST

2025-02-10 12:48 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-02-10 10:11 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2360698
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Västervik

Occured: 2025-02-10 09:48 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-10 11:10 CET/CEST

2025-02-10 11:12 – RFO:
What was the fault?
– Faulty optics
What caused the fault?
– Faulty optics caused errors on a link.
How was the fault fixed?
– Technician swapped faulty optics.
Is this a permanent solution?
– Yes
2025-02-10 11:12 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the hardware replacement. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter hårdvarubyte.
2025-02-10 10:05 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2360672
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Rävlanda

Occured: 2025-02-10 08:31 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: CET/CEST

2025-02-10 09:22 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2360564
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Gävle

Occured: 2025-02-10 06:21 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-10 19:14 CET/CEST

2025-02-10 10:02 – Suspected cable fault. Troubleshooting is ongoing. // Felet misstänks bero på ett kabelfel. Felsökning pågår.
2025-02-10 06:52 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2025-02-10 06:37 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2360520
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Västra Götalands Län

Occured: CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: CET/CEST

2025-02-09 22:24 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. If you still experience any issues please contact GlobalConnect Service Desk.
2025-02-09 18:11 – We currently have an outage where some customers may experience degradation of circuits. Troubleshooting is ongoing.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2360443
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Trollhättan

Occured: 2025-02-08 18:56 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-11 14:56 CET/CEST

2025-02-11 15:09 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the hardware replacement. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter hårdvarubyte.
2025-02-10 15:58 – A hardware fault detected. Replacement unit has been ordered. // Hårdvarufel lokaliserat. Ersättningsutrustning beställd.
2025-02-08 22:54 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2351964
Fault type: Excavation damage
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Älmhult

Occured: CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: CET/CEST

2025-01-17 21:31 – An accident involving a tanker truck of diesel has happened on the ground where a cable is located. This means that the cable will be damaged during the clean up required to safeguard the environment. This means that the cable will take a few days to repair. We estimate that customer affected will loose their connection during the evening or night. The preliminary estimate for repairs is 2025-01-22 // En olycka med en tankbil som innehåller diesel har skett på mark där kabel är placerad. Detta medför att det kommer bli ett längre avbrott på kabeln då sanering av marken krävs för att minimera skada på naturen detta kommer medföra ett avbrott på vår kabel som kommer ta några dagar att åtgärda. Kunder som påverkas förväntas tappa sin anslutning under kvällen eller natten. Preliminärt beräknas lagningen av kabeln kunna bli klart till 2025-01-22.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2360149
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Nyköping

Occured: 2025-02-07 10:04 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-07 11:43 CET/CEST

2025-02-07 11:42 – All services are restored.
2025-02-07 10:53 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2360027
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Östersund

Occured: 2025-02-07 06:00 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-07 08:15 CET/CEST

2025-02-07 08:25 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the cable fault was fixed.
2025-02-07 07:07 – Most services restored but the last few are taking longer than anticipated. ETR pushed to 08:00.
2025-02-07 06:16 – Service restoration in the form of splice work is still ongoing after CHG0112343 which ended at 06:00. Technicians are actively working on restoring the remaining fibers, and we will update you as soon as the work is completed. ETR 07:00.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2359944
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Ronneby

Occured: 2025-02-06 15:04 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-07 02:31 CET/CEST

2025-02-07 05:29 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. If you still experience any issues please contact GlobalConnect Service Desk. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda. Upplever ni fortfarande några problem så kontakta GlobalConnect Servicedesk.
2025-02-07 02:54 – Services are restored. Awaiting confirmation from sub provider that the outage is solved to close this ticket. // Tjänster återställda. Inväntar bekräftelse från underleverantör att felet är avhjälpt för att klarskriva.
2025-02-06 20:29 – Field technician en route
2025-02-06 16:28 – A disturbance detected in our sub provider’s network. Troubleshooting is ongoing with sub provider // Felet har lokaliserats vara hos vår underleverantör. Felsökning pågår med underleverantör
2025-02-06 16:23 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2359903
Fault type: Hardware card error
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Trollhättan

Occured: 2025-02-05 03:20 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-12 10:30 CET/CEST

2025-02-07 20:22 – Awaiting delivery of replacement equipment and parts. ETA 2025-02-10 12:00 // Väntar på leverans av ersättningsutrustning och reservdelar. ETA 2025-02-10 12:00
2025-02-06 19:30 – Awaiting delivery of replacement equipment and parts. // Väntar på leverans av ersättningsutrustning och reservdelar.
2025-02-06 19:29 – A hardware fault detected. Replacement unit has been ordered. // Hårdvarufel lokaliserat. Ersättningsutrustning beställd.
2025-02-06 15:16 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2359888
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Örebro

Occured: 2025-02-06 14:23 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-06 14:38 CET/CEST

2025-02-06 14:29 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2359819
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Nyköping

Occured: 2025-02-06 12:40 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-06 13:00 CET/CEST

2025-02-06 13:00 – All services are restored.
2025-02-06 12:53 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2359808
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Norrtälje

Occured: 2025-02-06 12:07 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-06 12:07 CET/CEST

2025-02-06 13:53 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2025-02-06 12:52 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2359730
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Kumla

Occured: 2025-02-06 09:52 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-06 13:13 CET/CEST

2025-02-06 10:41 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2359627
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Norrköping

Occured: 2025-02-06 08:07 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-06 12:21 CET/CEST

2025-02-06 08:45 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2359563
Fault type: Maintenance
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Anderslöv

Occured: 2025-02-06 06:00 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2025-02-06 10:18 CET/CEST

2025-02-06 10:18 – All services are restored.
2025-02-06 08:47 – Restoration work is still ongoing, ETR pushed to 09:30 CET.
2025-02-06 07:54 – Restoration work is still ongoing, ETR pushed to 08:30 CET.
2025-02-06 07:09 – Restoration work is still ongoing, ETR pushed to 07:45 CET.
2025-02-06 06:05 – We currently have an outage, following a change done during the night. Technicians are on site and working on restoring services.