

Tämänhetkiset häiriöt

Ticket number: INC2299916
Location: Malmö
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Currently unknown

Occurred: 2024-09-12 16:37 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: To be announced

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2024-09-14 17:00 CET/CEST

Last update(s):
2024-09-13 09:26 – Services are restored. For safetys sake we’ll replace the hardware later today, so some more disturbance is expected in the afternoon. // Tjänster återställda. För säkerhets skull ska vi byta ut hårdvaran senare idag, så störningar kan förväntas senare i eftermiddag.
2024-09-12 21:05 – Due to issues regarding access to site with property owner ETR is pushed until tomorrow, when we can get access to site for further troubleshooting. // På grund av problem kring åtkomst till site med fastighetsförvaltare så puttas ETR tills imorgon, då vi kommer kunna komma åt site för att fortsätta felsökning.
2024-09-12 20:42 – The technician has been delayed due to site access issues. // Teknikern har försenats med anledning av accessproblem till fastighet.
2024-09-12 17:51 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2024-09-12 17:00 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Ticket number: INC2299197
Location: Örebro
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Hardware card error

Occurred: 2024-09-09 16:00 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: To be announced

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2024-09-13 19:45 CET/CEST

Last update(s):
2024-09-13 18:45 – What was the fault?
– Multiple customer ports went down and were not operational.
What caused the fault?
– Faulty hardware.
How was the fault fixed?
– Hardware was swapped out.
Is this a permanent solution?
– Yes
2024-09-13 18:42 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the hardware replacement. If you still experience any issues please contact GlobalConnect Service Desk. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter hårdvarubyte. Upplever ni fortfarande några problem så kontakta GlobalConnect Servicedesk.
2024-09-11 19:27 – A hardware fault detected. Replacement unit has been ordered. // Hårdvarufel lokaliserat. Ersättningsutrustning beställd.
2024-09-11 14:01 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Ticket number: INC2285227
Location: Öland
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Currently unknown

Occurred: CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: To be announced

Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2024-10-31 06:00 CET/CEST

Last update(s):
2024-09-10 14:51 – An internal planned work is being put together that we hope will solve these capacity issues. We will aim to have it completed during October, but a firm date is yet to be set. Further updates will be published as we get them. // Ett internt planjobb håller på att sättas ihop som vi hoppas ska lösa dessa kapacitetsproblem. Vi siktar på att ha det utfört under Oktober, men har inte spikat ett datum ännu. Ytterligare uppdateringar publiceras när vi får dem.
2024-08-09 10:20 – Hej,

Vi vill informera er om en pågående driftstörning som kan påverka vissa av era kunder. Just nu upplever vi ett kapacitetsproblem som påverkar förbindelsen mellan kunders anslutningar och våra distributionsswitchar i Öland. Detta är mest troligt orsaken till de hastighetsproblem som era kunder upplever.

Vi ber om ursäkt om detta meddelande upprepas för vissa av er. Vi arbetar intensivt med att lösa problemet så snabbt som möjligt och uppskattar ert tålamod under denna tid.

Tack för er förståelse.

Korjatut häiriöt

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2300106
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Trollhättan

Occured: 2024-09-13 09:47 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-13 17:59 CET/CEST

2024-09-13 18:36 – What was the fault?
– A patch cable was bent, causing poor light and loss of connection.
What caused the fault?
– Most likely human error when different cables or patches were installed, this one was accidentally bent.
How was the fault fixed?
– Technician straightened the cable out and secured it, to try and avoid similar incidents in the future.
Is this a permanent solution?
– Yes
2024-09-13 18:32 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. If you still experience any issues please contact GlobalConnect Service Desk. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda. Upplever ni fortfarande några problem så kontakta GlobalConnect Servicedesk.
2024-09-13 15:33 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. ETA 2 hours. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats. ETA 2 timmar.
2024-09-13 14:57 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2300274
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Uppsala

Occured: 2024-09-13 13:24 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-13 14:29 CET/CEST

2024-09-13 14:28 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2024-09-13 13:55 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2300119
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Mora

Occured: 2024-09-13 10:20 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-13 10:50 CET/CEST


Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2300113
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Valbo

Occured: 2024-09-13 09:10 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-13 14:52 CET/CEST

2024-09-13 14:52 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. If you still experience any issues please contact GlobalConnect Service Desk. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda. Upplever ni fortfarande några problem så kontakta GlobalConnect Servicedesk.
2024-09-13 10:45 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2299858
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Örebro

Occured: 2024-09-12 14:11 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-12 15:10 CET/CEST

2024-09-12 15:10 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2024-09-12 14:59 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2299778
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Fjärås

Occured: 2024-09-12 09:33 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-12 18:16 CET/CEST

2024-09-12 18:19 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2024-09-12 13:43 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2299738
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Karlstad

Occured: 2024-09-12 10:35 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-12 14:23 CET/CEST

2024-09-12 14:22 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2024-09-12 13:01 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2299444
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Västra Frölunda

Occured: 2024-09-12 06:50 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-12 07:22 CET/CEST

2024-09-12 07:17 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2299390
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Skövde

Occured: 2024-09-11 19:55 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-12 11:07 CET/CEST

2024-09-12 10:24 – There is an ongoing power outage on site affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Property owner is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott på site som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Fastighetsägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.
2024-09-12 09:31 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2024-09-11 21:26 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2299351
Fault type: Hardware card error
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Mora

Occured: 2024-09-11 18:41 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-12 10:37 CET/CEST

2024-09-12 12:38 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the hardware replacement. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter hårdvarubyte.
2024-09-12 10:39 – Technician initiates work to replace hardware. // Tekniker påbörjar utbyte av hårdvara.
2024-09-11 19:54 – A hardware fault detected. Replacement unit has been ordered. // Hårdvarufel lokaliserat. Ersättningsutrustning beställd.
2024-09-11 19:53 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2299283
Fault type: Faulty HW card
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Stockholm

Occured: 2024-09-11 16:00 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-12 15:23 CET/CEST

2024-09-12 15:37 – Configuration completed and final boot of the device has restored all services. No further outages are expected and the solution is considered permanent. If you still experience any issues please contact GlobalConnect Service Desk. // Konfigurering är klar och efter en sista omstart av utrustningen har nu alla tjänster återställts. Inga mer avbrott är förväntade och lösning ses om en permanent lösning. Upplever ni fortfarande några problem så kontakta GlobalConnect Servicedesk.
2024-09-12 14:00 – Equipment has been replaced. Configuration work is ongoing. // Utrustningen har ersatts och konfiguration pågår.
2024-09-12 13:02 – Repair work is ongoing. // Reparationsarbetet fortsätter.
2024-09-12 11:47 – Repair work is ongoing. Problems with software cause more delay than anticipated. // Reparationsarbetet fortsätter. Problem med mjukvaran orsakar mer problem än förväntat.
2024-09-12 10:01 – New technician is en route to site to continue troubleshooting and prepare for hardware replacement. ETR has been pushed back, it might still come to be changed as situation is unsure. // Ny tekniker är på väg till site för att fortsätta felsökning och förbereda för hårdvarubyte. Beräknad klartid har flyttats fram, och kan komma att ändras ytterligare då situationen är oklar.
2024-09-12 06:45 – Additional spare parts are required and are being sourced. The ETR has been pushed back. // Ytterliggare reservdelar behövs. Den estimerade klartiden har ändrats.
2024-09-12 04:55 – Field technician is on site. Restoration work is ongoing. ETR has been pushed back. // Fälttekniker är på plats. Reparationsarbete pågår.
2024-09-12 04:04 – Field technician is on site. Restoration work is ongoing. ETR has been pushed back. // Fälttekniker är på plats. Reparationsarbete pågår.
2024-09-12 00:57 – Replacement equipment and parts have arrived. // Ersättningsutrustning och reservdelar har kommit fram.
2024-09-11 23:12 – Awaiting delivery of replacement equipment and parts. // Väntar på leverans av ersättningsutrustning och reservdelar.
2024-09-11 19:09 – A hardware fault detected. Replacement unit has been ordered. // Hårdvarufel lokaliserat. Ersättningsutrustning beställd.
2024-09-11 17:49 – Issue has been escalated to third line technicians who are investigating further. // Problemet har eskalerats till tredje linan tekniker som undersöker vidare.
2024-09-11 16:42 – We currently have an outage which presents itself as intermittent outages, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning som visar sig som intermittenta avbrott. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2299220
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Norrköping

Occured: 2024-09-11 13:01 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-11 14:55 CET/CEST

2024-09-11 14:55 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2024-09-11 14:23 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2299157
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Kumla

Occured: 2024-09-11 11:29 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-11 14:30 CET/CEST

2024-09-11 15:15 – Outage is resolved and services are restored. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda.
2024-09-11 13:36 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2024-09-11 13:00 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2299135
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Uppsala

Occured: 2024-09-11 12:06 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-11 13:03 CET/CEST

2024-09-11 13:08 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2024-09-11 12:44 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. ETA 2 hours // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats. Beräknad ankomsttid: 2 timmar
2024-09-11 12:36 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2299097
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Ystad

Occured: 2024-09-11 11:32 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-11 11:50 CET/CEST

2024-09-11 11:48 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Ticket number: INC2298953
Location: Enköping, Sala, Fjärdhundra, Grillby
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Power issue

Occurred: 2024-09-11 09:11 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: 2024-09-11 18:00 CET/CEST

Status: Fault correction in progress
Next update: 2024-09-11 20:49 CET/CEST

Last update(s):
2024-09-11 19:49 – Power providers have completed their work and normal power has been restored, outage is now considered resolved. If you still experience any issues please contact GlobalConnect Service Desk. // Nätägare är klara med reparationen och siten är återställd, störningen ses nu som helt över. Upplever ni fortfarande några problem så kontakta GlobalConnect Servicedesk.
2024-09-11 11:04 – Backup generator is on location and running, services are restored. No further downtime is to be expected. Power providers techs are on location and power grid connection is expected to be restored during the afternoon. // Reservgenerator på plats och i drift, tjänsterna är återställda. Ingen ytterligare nedtid förväntas. Nätägaren har tekniker på plats som arbetar med att reparera anslutningen till elnätet. Beräknas bli klara under eftermiddagen.
2024-09-11 09:32 – We currently have an outage, caused by a damaged powercable to one of our distribution nodes in Enköping. Power supplier is working on resolving the issue. We have also order tech to deliver backup power generator to power the site until grid power is restored. Backup generator is estimated to be up and running around 10:30 local time. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning orsakad av en skadad elkabel till en våra distributionsnoder i Enköping. Nätägare arbetar med att reparera skadan. Vi har också skickat tekniker för att leverera reservgenerator för att driva siten tills anslutningen till elnätet är lagad. Reservgeneratorn beräknas vara i drift runt kl 10:30 lokal tid.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298927
Fault type: Power work
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Arboga

Occured: 2024-09-11 08:20 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-11 11:00 CET/CEST

2024-09-11 10:00 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.
2024-09-11 08:45 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298896
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Mora

Occured: 2024-09-11 07:41 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-11 09:00 CET/CEST


Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298870
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Mora, Älvdalen

Occured: 2024-09-11 06:50 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-11 07:57 CET/CEST

2024-09-11 09:00 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage in the area was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömavbrottet i området åtgärdades.
2024-09-11 07:09 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298765
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Norrköping

Occured: 2024-09-10 16:53 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-11 09:43 CET/CEST

2024-09-11 07:27 – The estimated time of repair is pushed back because the fault was more substantial than initial estimates. // Klartiden är framflyttad då felet var mer omfattande än vad man inledningsvis uppskattade.
2024-09-10 20:16 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. . // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning.
2024-09-10 19:02 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298706
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Knivsta

Occured: 2024-09-10 16:46 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-10 22:18 CET/CEST

2024-09-11 00:41 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the cable fault was fixed. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att kabelfel åtgärdades.
2024-09-10 23:38 – Repair work is ongoing. // Reparationsarbetet fortsätter.
2024-09-10 21:38 – Repair work is ongoing. // Reparationsarbetet fortsätter.
2024-09-10 17:32 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2024-09-10 16:58 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298588
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Åkersberga

Occured: 2024-09-10 13:56 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-10 21:21 CET/CEST

2024-09-10 16:56 – Technician confirms cable cut and are working on remedying the issue. // Tekniker bekräftar kabelavbrott och jobbar på att åtgärda problemet.
2024-09-10 15:59 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. ETA 4 hours [byt efter SLA] // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats. Beräknad ankomsttid: 4 timmar [byt efter SLA]
2024-09-10 14:36 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298420
Fault type: Fiber break
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Solna

Occured: 2024-09-10 09:51 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-10 19:39 CET/CEST

2024-09-10 19:41 – All services are restored. // Alla tjänster är återställda
2024-09-10 19:35 – Ffault was more substantial than initial estimates. // Felet var mer omfattande än vad man inledningsvis uppskattade.
2024-09-10 18:27 – Cable fault detected. Technicians are working on remedying the issue. // Kabelfel lokaliserat. Tekniker arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.
2024-09-10 17:00 – A disturbance detected in our sub provider’s network. Troubleshooting is ongoing with sub provider. // Felet har lokaliserats vara hos vår underleverantör. Felsökning pågår med underleverantör.
2024-09-10 12:49 – A disturbance detected in our sub provider’s network. Troubleshooting is ongoing with sub provider. // Felet har lokaliserats vara hos vår underleverantör. Felsökning pågår med underleverantör.
2024-09-10 11:56 – A field technician dispatched to continue troubleshooting. ETA 2 hours. // Fälttekniker skickad för att fortsätta felsökningen. ETA 2 timmar.
2024-09-10 10:28 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298297
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Karlskrona

Occured: 2024-09-10 04:59 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-10 14:38 CET/CEST

2024-09-10 13:03 – Troubleshooting has been delayed due to issue with access to site. We are working on it. // Felsökning har dröjt på grund av problem med åtkomst till site. Vi jobbar på det.
2024-09-10 10:40 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. ETA 2 hours // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats. Beräknad ankomsttid: 2 timmar
2024-09-10 06:24 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298289
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Klövsjö

Occured: 2024-09-10 03:26 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-10 05:20 CET/CEST

2024-09-10 04:17 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298275
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Idre

Occured: 2024-09-10 03:15 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-10 05:07 CET/CEST

2024-09-10 06:07 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2024-09-10 03:42 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298248
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Enköping

Occured: 2024-09-10 01:39 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-10 02:26 CET/CEST

2024-09-10 03:14 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades.
2024-09-10 01:43 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2298152
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Lärbo

Occured: 2024-09-09 23:30 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-10 00:24 CET/CEST

2024-09-09 23:57 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2297965
Fault type: Fiber break
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Ystad

Occured: 2024-09-09 14:14 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-09 17:28 CET/CEST

2024-09-09 14:28 – We currently have an outage. Our sub provider’s informs that they have cable damage in their network. They have tech on location working on repair. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Vår underleverantör meddelar att dom har en skadad fiberkabel i sitt nät. Tekniker är på plats och arbetar med att reparera skadan.

Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.

Ticket number: INC2297731
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Töcksfors

Occured: 2024-09-09 08:43 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-09-09 09:35 CET/CEST

2024-09-10 08:46 – Outage is resolved and services are restored after the power outage was remedied. If you still experience any issues please contact GlobalConnect Service Desk. // Driftstörning avhjälpt och tjänster återställda efter att strömfel åtgärdades. Upplever ni fortfarande några problem så kontakta GlobalConnect Servicedesk.
2024-09-09 09:26 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.